Tuesday, June 30, 2009
the bluelotus project is 9 years old!
My first blog was on June 26, 2000. That's when I first discovered Blogger, one of the first blogging sites on the web. Only a handful of people had a blog and knew what the word "blog" meant at that time. Most people used to refer to it as a "weblog", its original long form. Now so many people have blogs! Most people who spend considerable amount of time on the web have one??! Wow!
This site started out as a site for my interest in Zen Buddhism in 1998 but without the blog... I started blogging in June, 2000. My site now has no particular aim... I use it mainly for blogging now.
My first server was Geocities... Then I changed to Digitalrice... Both are defunct now I think. Then I discovered SDF (Super Dimensional Forces) which is a free unix account (I upgraded my account though so I paid about 35 USD lifetime membership - hopefully it stays that way, and moved my site there... I've been using SDF ever since.
Unfortunately I lost most of my original page designs in the past... but I managed to keep my old banners! Here they are! They were so corny though... hehe...

1:27 AM
Fun at the Beach
I went to Dolphin Beach on an island in Fukuyama in Hiroshima with my friends last Sunday. I had lots of fun.

I got lots of sunshine so I got really dark... hehe.

I really love the sea!
I have been cooking recently.... trying... Last week I made macaroni with eggplant... I made up the recipe myself and to my surprise it was yummy!

Today, I made spaghetti with tomatoes and mushrooms.
12:09 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I had dinner with friends today and we had Vietnamese fresh spring rolls. They were good.

We also had some wine, cheese and crackers, ice cream, watermelon, and pineapple. Then we played Buzz Word which was a really good game but I really sucked at it.
After all that mix of different yummy food, I got sick and had to run to the bathroom on my way to the station! Thank God there was a 7-11 on the way. In Japan, convenient stores let customers use their washroom and they're really super clean. Thank you 7-11! LOL
11:00 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Legend passed away today... Good-bye, Michael! Your legacy will live forever...

10:34 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I have finally bought a new pair of glasses... I've been using my old glasses for about 10 years I think! wow!

9:51 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
It was a very hot humid day today in my town... I was sweating all day... couldn't really work properly with this condition... the A/C in the staff room were still turned off and will be until the temperature is unbearable I guess... I'm not sure if the school was trying to save energy or if they were trying to live on to the strict school principle of perseverance/discipline they are imposing to their students... classrooms in Japan do not have airconditioning by the way and so it's unbearably hot inside the classroom... and so I can't really blame the students if they are falling asleep during class or if they are not very enthusiastic about school... It was muggy today because it was raining on and off all day today... and so everyday, I was dying to go home and enjoy my airconditioning inside my little room... I do hope the school turns on the AC in the staff room, really soon...
Meanwhile on the geeky side of things, I discovered Bento 2, a simple database app for Mac OS X...

and so I've been using the trial version to organize my school teaching materials I store at home... I have a mountain of them at home and it's a real pain looking for a material when I need it... It is unfortunate that iWork '09 does not include a database app compared to its older edition AppleWorks.... I like Bento's snapshot feature where you can include a photo of your collection, an inventory for example... All I can say is that I really like it... and I think I'm going to buy it... USD 49 for a powerful app, not bad at all...

8:41 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009

12:37 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Today.... Work... As usual, being very sleepy all day since I haven't been sleeping enough in the past few months... That was my choice. I just hate sleeping early.
Tinker with my Mac... I have been trying to play around with Linux lately... first with Ubuntu and then with Kubuntu... I've learned a lot but it was a pain most of the time... and I just got so used to Mac OS X Leopard I can't really see myself relying solely on both Linux variants. I have a pretty fast Mac anyway with a pretty fast and chic OS and so why should I settle for something not really stable ;-) Anyway, that's the geek in me speaking.

Then, I had to console a fellow JET in my town. She has been going through a lot of emotional stress recently dealing with life over here in small town Japan. Long story short, I told her to reconsider staying for another year in Japan if it makes her life miserable....
That's all for now...
11:31 PM
This is probably the funniest site ever! I cry laughing every time!

12:40 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My fishes
Originally uploaded by thebluelotusI have given up my fish tank and my beloved tropical fishes last year to a co-worker... but I still have these... hehe... got these at Okinawa last year
1:44 AM
Two ex-ALTs visited my town and we had a great reunion... I had been drinking for three days... hehe.They were both in my town from the day I started working here... both have left the town already and have moved on... It was great seeing them again. I missed them very much. Next year would be my turn to leave this town... I get sad every time I think about it. This town is like my second home...

12:24 AM
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