wednesday, june 30, 2000
"A Jain from Mississauga", whoever you are,I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude in sharing your eloquently written description of one of the most beautiful and most revered flower of all -- the lotus. I felt myself being elevated one step closer to karma just by simply having the name bluelotus. To my weblog readers (if there are any) you can read the Jain's description of a lotus he wrote on my guestbook by clicking this.I was disappointed the Jain did not leave me an e-mail address to thank him personally. Again thank you very much... I smile at you and I sure know the Buddhas smile at you too.
11:24 PM
OMG, my sister's friend is gay.
10:59 PM
I bought a CD today - of course mixed by the great DJ Keoki. The album's great. I kept playing it over and over again. I especially like the title The Beginning. A NewHope/Club Mix which includes pieces of the Star Wars movie theme.Excellent. I haven't bought a CD for a while so I'm really happy today.
We lost the contest I was talking about in my earlier log but oh well..but my team did a great job.
1:33 AM
thursday, june 29, 2000
Now I know there are other people other than myself and Jreading my weblog (be gentle to me, aiiiite? I'm new to this weblog thingy)... I guess thanks to Jerwin who linked my site to one of his logs. I didn't know that in Geocities you can find out how many times your site is visited, what OS, browsers, whether Javascript enabled ornot, etc, etc. Guess what? A Mac user visited my site! Wonder who! I'm flattered.
1:24 AM
For two hours I made some letter cut-outs that say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA", "I AM CANADIAN" and "CANADIAN, EH?"to post on our department wall at work commemorating Canada Day. There will be a contest going on tomorrow at work - the best decorated department wins... so we have suspended maple leafs and red and white sashes all over the place... we also have a moose and a beaver doll.While I devotedly cut out letters I listened to Rose Chronicles CD and sang out loud... they're one of my favourite bands. Tomorrow will bemy 5 year-old brother's last day of school so his teacher handed out some of his artworks I've never seen before... they are so cute:

This is my 5-year old brother playing soccer
12:15 AM
tuesday, june 27, 2000
I'm listening to a CD J gave me for Christmas last year - DJKeoki's"Ego-Trip" and has become one of my top 10 favourite CD's of all time... Jerwin knows my taste in music quite well. Anyway, there's asong in this CD that kinda boosts up my ego whenever I play it -"Ego-Trip"... the song goes: "I want an ego-trip... Superstar!"... but then the song also reminds me of Mary Katherine Gallagher.
9:41 PM
monday, june 26, 2000
Hello. Welcome to my website. My name is ___. How did I come up with the name bluelotus? I just happen to use the nickname BlueLotus when I chat on the net and lotuses are such magnificent and divine flowers. So yeah, what is this site about? This is my presence in the Internet,that's all. A place where I introduce myself to people, share people what I like, what I do, my whereabouts, my thoughts & opinions about a lot of things, discuss social & personal issues, fetishes,garbage, crap, nonsense babblings, yadda-yadda... You may think this site is quite egocentric, well it is. That's what homepages are for, right?
3:47 AM
What a busy weekend! I just came home from downtown Toronto where I along with my friends watched the annual Toronto Pride Day. This is the day when all gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transvestites and transsexuals celebrate and be proud of their sexual identity along with their families and friends. It was so amazing how much Torontonians,both gay and "straight", support them by simply showing up, watching and cheering for them as they paraded a stretch of Yonge Street. I wasn't impressed with some of the groups of people who paraded most especially the nudist gay men who displayed their penises in public while adults and children alike watched the parade. Most of them were nasty looking... I mean common, show some decency! I'm sorry but that is only my opinion. Overall, I enjoyed watching the parade. I was impressed MuchMusic (Canada's own music television... sorta like MTV) has their own float, which they do every year, but I was also impressed that the station did an all day special show "MuchMusic Comes Out" to celebrate Pride. I was also glad I saw MuchMusic's good-looking VJ's.
3:18 AM
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