Saturday, October 18, 2008
Today I cooked 'goya champuru'. It's a specialty in Okinawa (Japan). 'Champuru' means 'mix of different stuff' in the Okinawa dialect. It's a mixture of bitter melon, scrambled eggs, tofu, some meat, salt, pepper and soy sauce. In my case, I used canned tunas and dried shaved bonitos. It's very easy to make and cheap too. It's my favourite.

2:02 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I've been quite bummed out lately since the new MacBook Pro (late 2008) has just come out after buying the early 2008 edition not even a month ago... I've already spent so much money for my current Mac and I don't think it would be a good idea to spend more money for the newer one... but I just love the revamped looks of the new MBPro... So nice... What to do what to do? v _ v

7:32 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I've just finished watching the Filipino movie "Magnifico" and it was a great movie. Well written and so touching. I cried a lot watching this movie. The child actor Jiro Manio in that movie was amazing!

9:22 PM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I've spent all night reading my old entries on this blog and reminiscing... Wow! It's been more than 8 years since I first blogged! June 26, 2000 was my first blog entry!
10:59 PM
My special ballot for the upcoming October 14 Canadian federal elections arrived today from Canada.

I decided to vote for the Liberals. I am not going to say why I voted for them on this blog. I'll just keep it to myself. It's now October 7th and the ballot must be received in Ottawa by October 14th. I sent it rush and I paid 1,200 yen (about CAD 10) to send it. The lady at the post office told me it should take 3 days to 1 week for the mail to get to Canada. I hope it gets there in time. I want my vote to be counted! Why am I too desperate about this? Ha ha...

8:34 PM
Sunday, October 05, 2008
My new bag has just arrived this morning! It's a North Face Big Shot and my MacBook Pro sleeve just fits perfectly in it, plus I still have lots of space for other stuff! It's so light, spacious and yet does not look too big! I'm happy. I ordered it online Friday night and I got two days later! This is where Japan excels - a great postal service!

1:36 PM
Saturday, October 04, 2008
I will be voting from Japan for Canada's federal election on October 14th. I have already received an e-mail telling me that I have a package soon to be delivered to me. But I'm confused which party to vote for. I have always been a Liberal so there's a big chance I will vote for them again in the next federal elections.
3:14 AM
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
I had been doing some research on the web for a good sleeve for my new baby and I concluded that the Crumpler School Hymn 15" would be the best sleeve for my new Mac. I chose the light blue one. I bought it online from Bic Camera. It was a bit expensive (JPY 7,505, around CAD 75) but I thought it was worth it.
I received it a week after. At first, I was disappointed since it was too bulky! I could still fit it in my favourite North Face knapsack however I really could not put anything else in the bag. I realized after that perhaps the added protection that this sleeve offers would be more beneficial than the slimmer soft sleeves. I bike a lot to my workplace carrying my Mac and so I thought this bag wouldn't be bad at all.

But I think I might still end up buying a smaller, softer sleeve after all. I've been eyeing these two nice sleeves: the be.ez LArobe and the Built NY laptop sleeve.
8:34 PM
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