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sunday, july 30, 2000

I've created a new guestbook. Leave yer mark here.

4:40 AM

To answer J's questions as to why I cancelled out on them:

1. He's helping a nunnery build shelter for poor children. --Yeah, right.
2. The gentleman from California came calling again. --Not my type, so the answer is no.
3. He's hanging out with other friends. -- How could Ido that to you?... I must be a devil. Obviously my ass was stuck right here at home blogging you.
4. His neighbour's dog died. -- I wouldn't be there ifI was the one who killed it, running him over at our driveway. Joking.Sorry, that was a bad joke.
5. I'm just boring the hell out of him. -- If I find you boring, I would give lame excuses like: oh, I can't come, my neighbour's dog died or I have to dye my grandma's hair or Myboss asked me out for a dinner or Sorry, I can't... I have to meditate on the problems of the world, Entiendes? I told you already why I cancelled it. I hope you understand why.

1:04 AM

saturday, july 29, 2000

Oh no, another bluelotus site. Well mine is with the THE [the bluelotus] and mine's more interesting.

3:31 PM

On the bus today, I realized unseen particles were actually hitting my face while the bus was moving - air molecules!

2:45 AM

"There used to be a lot of GAYS in the department"...yup, that's what came out of my mouth while talking to co-workers during lunch. I meant to say GUYS. They thought it was funny. I have to be careful next time.

2:39 AM

Doc didn't think I have liver problem. Good. But he scheduled me for my annual physical exam. I am long overdue. I thought he forgot. I hate those anal probes. Damnit!

2:29 AM

thursday, july 27, 2000

Folks at work made my day today. They nominated me for our centre's performance award for the quarter and ifI'm fortunate enough, I will compete for the year's performance award and if I'm really really lucky, I'd win the cruise and be the most famous employee of the whole entire company! Yay! Now that would be a big "ego-trip"! I was really surprised how my fellow workers love me. I am so luvable! haha.. oh and then before that one of my clients praised me for my "excellent" customer service and gave a good recommendation to my manager. I really had a great day today inspite of the stress and bad stuff that happened.

9:31 PM

wednesday, july 26, 2000

The gentleman I met today from California pointed out to me that I pronounce the words "project" and "process"the Canadian way, not to mention how I say the letter "z" like "zed" as opposed to "zee", which I already knew. I didn't even know there is a difference between how Americans and Canadians pronounce those words.Apparently Canadians pronounce the words with the long "o", sort of like "ow" but the "w" is very very short and the Americans, in general,pronounce the "o" like "awe". That was interesting!

11:15 PM

"so what do you do? sorry i never asked"- "i'm a slut""oh me too!"

10:00 PM

You may find the bluelotus pages acting strange and that's because Geocities is having network problems since July 21st. At one time every time I reloaded this page differentsites came out and I thought oh my, did somebody hack my site.... I'm glad it wasn't the case.

9:57 PM

tuesday, july 25, 2000

Yeah, the bitter tastecould be a symptom of liver problem. My folks were urging me to go to the doctor. I don't understand, I'm now becoming a hypochondriac... ohand thanks, Jerwin, your public service announcement was very comforting! :-P

2:15 AM

sunday, july 23, 2000

I got scolded by my brother for taking outhis most precious X-Men comics collections from their respectiveplastic covers. He has a point. Eventually his collection would be oldand priceless. He's had this collection since he was 10.

8:11 PM

I'm blogging you, Jodinand... I'm blogging you... Feel my blog! Nice site by the way! =) Oh and I'll leave my mark in your kewl guestbook, how's that? ;-)

7:07 PM

Headbobs headbobs for myorgasmo-sonically-pumped head while listening to Prodigy...Prodigy SPINS!! [hey, I made that word up... or maybe not]. Last time I listened to this CD: last winter. I still can't forget that Prodigy CD my brother's co-worker borrowed and never returned it.

6:59 PM

Watched X-Men the Movie for the second time. I love this movie.

6:34 PM

I know that.My point was (which I forgot to mention, sorry) that The Globe and Mailis Canadian and the proper Canadian spelling is with the "e". Maybe I'm wrong. I don't even know why scholars accepted "judgment" because for me it's "phonetically lame" as with the word "gaol". I'm noticing a lot of Canadians are confused between Canadian and American ways of spelling words. I think that the Americanized spell-check features of major wordprocessing software are to be blamed.

4:26 AM

saturday, july 22, 2000

I still get that bitter tasteat the back of my tongue... as a matter of fact at one point I threw up because it tasted so bad. I told my Mom about it and she told me it happened to her when she wasn't eating well and when she used to skip meals. I never skip meal.

5:38 AM

Oops... Okay, the Javascript error I foundout was my own error and somehow my page does not work properly with IE4.0, hmm... Now I can get a good sleep.

5:27 AM

I'm getting pissed at Yahoo! Geocities now. I've been getting a lot of FTP errors and Javascript errors(thanks to their pop-out window) lately. Oh well... can't really complain... it's free.

3:44 AM

friday, july 21, 2000

DJKeoki wuz awesum! He performed at Electric Circustonight!

10:22 PM

Anal pick of the day: Globe & Mail headline today spelled "judgement" "JUDGMENT without the "E"! Argh! What's up with that?

8:53 PM

thursday, july 20, 2000

I saw the Queen Mother's100th birthday celebration on TV yesterday. She's such a cute little old lady. I adore her. She smiles a lot. Nice smile. Oh yeah, I really like her smile. Gentle hand wave. I actually like the Queen Mother more than the Queen.I wish the Queen Mother long life, happiness and good health!

9:19 PM

tuesday, july 18, 2000

My brother told me that I look like the Dalai Lama with the buzzed haircut, eyeglasses and all... I went on explaining to him why the Dalai Lama is reverred as a living god byTibetans and then I explained to him about reincarnation, well my own version of reincarnation anyway. I'm not sure if it's original,somebody might have thought of it already but who cares, I told him it was my version. Anyway I told him that man's soul is a form of energy. Like energy in physical terms, it cannot be created nor destroyed but can be changed from one form to another. Does this mean a soul can also be transferred from one body to another? Of course, because it's similar to energy!This means that if a person dies, his soul is transferred to another body. This is called reincarnation. It can be a body of another human,an insect, a bird, a plant, or any form of living being. Then I went on explaining to him that the earth is like a big recycling machine --where soul is recycled over and over again... so really the people you see now could be the people you've met a thousand lifetimes ago... or perhaps the insect you stepped on while waiting for the bus this morning could perhaps be your long dead relative. A ghost or a spirit is probably a wandering energy form unable to locate a new body to dwell in. Do you believe in spirit possession? It's kind of interesting. I think the Buddha must be a physicist! So death is not really that scary... wow, this just reminds me of The Rose Chronicles song Dwelling. I would like to share you this beautiful song:

by The Rose Chronicles That body's not so beautiful I know
It's not the highest temple for a god
I understand refuse to freeze and I'm so cold,I'm so cold oh I'm so
Seem to be dwelling
Seem to be dwelling
I sustain in a frameI seem to be dwelling
I was a statue in velvet skin you stole
Somebody's arms have wrapped me in a wing
You'll understand if I could freeze
I wouldn't care, I wouldn't care, I wouldn't care
I seem to be dwelling
Seem to be dwelling
I sustain in a frame
I seem to be dwelling
Did you know your body's just a cavern for your soul
Souls will drift, the aimlessly adrift dwell on shores of unrest,
where ocean rage will make its nest (I feel strange)
Your body's just a cavern for your soul
Where do the lost ones go?
Your body's just a cavern for your soul
Free me from this mortal cage I go
Your body's just a cavern for your soul
Do you feel disengaged like your dwelling there?

9:55 PM

monday, july 17, 2000

Hey, I can be poetic too you know :-P hehehe.

11:29 PM

Urgh... urgh... urgh... gee, I'll never ever mix banana and instant decaf coffee again! Urgh... urgh... thebitter taste somehow got stuck at the back of my tongue! It's making me puke...

11:23 PM

It's very nice to know that there are people outthere who really care for you... these people are called friends.

11:21 PM

friday, july 14, 2000

"Majick's a drug, the drug that shows me the way".

11:13 PM

Ray of light has shined on the blue lotus,keeping it alive and giving it strength. Tiny creatures prey on the poor lotus but the flower remains firm.

11:12 PM

thursday, july 13, 2000

I had a dream last night that I was in aHawaiian wedding... heck, I didn't even know what a native Hawaiian wedding looks like. I saw the family, relatives and friends of the native Hawaiian groom bringing plates of food, drinks and fruits to the house of the newly wed couple. They all came out of their houses at the same time. They were very dark. The bride was an Asian woman. My friends and I gathered in one room of the house.

10:17 PM

tuesday, july 11, 2000

The colour of death is red. I know because I've seen it. I'm a superman.

10:44 PM

saturday, july 8, 2000

This is definitely not recommended for Mac-lovers.

5:05 PM

The Dalai Lama thinks homosexual behaviour is wrongaccording to Buddhist traditionbut there is no historical fact that the Buddha indeed condoned homosexuality nor homosexual behaviour. The Dalai Lama is capable of speaking for himself like any other man.

4:36 PM

tuesday, july 4, 2000

Does a real friend call you often just to checkhow you're doing? Where are the calls?

11:06 PM

Ralphie and I went to see the movie The Perfect Storm. It wasn't that great really. It was too romantic for a disaster movie... as Ralphie put it, there was too much "lovey-dovey" and plus it had a sad ending. I like happy endings. I liked the graphic effects though. Then we met up with Jerwin and Jeffto give Ralphie a going-away dinner... He will be touring Europe for 5 weeks. What a lucky guy! Jerwin took a shot of me, Ralphie and my Spanish friend Jaime (who we met in the same dinner place) and it's posted on Jerwin's site. We had a funny experience there.. I will let Jerwin tell the story.

12:39 AM

monday, july 3, 2000

Jerwin, thanks for helping me go through the final stage of my coming out of frames

3:22 AM

sunday, july 2, 2000

Gee... I spent countless hours revamping my website -- my eyes and back are hurting so badly. I had to stop.I've never used tables before. It took me a while to figure them out. I didn't use any books or manuals... I thought it was easy. I hate reading manuals. I like figuring out stuff myself. Eventually all pages came out perfectly except for the first page (index.html). I couldn't perfect the width of the first row second column. I need help. Capricorns are known to be perfectionists. My sister asked me last night if I watched the gay parade last weekend.I simply ignored her. I think she gave my URL to her friends and saw my entry on my weblog. So what if I watched it?

8:19 PM

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A note on copyright:

All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.

However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.


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