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Monday, January 11, 2010
Really odd but I find the movie Click very inspiring. He he.
11:45 PM
Happy New Year!
Wow! It's been a looong time. I have been busy playing Mario Kart Wii on my free time. I have unlocked all of the characters. I still have to unlock one more big kart so I've been trying to win all the grand prix with three stars... enough of the geek talk.
So I'm still here in Japan but this is my final year. I only have 7 months left and I'll be going home to Canada for good! I miss home so much.
11:35 AM
Friday, January 01, 2010
New Year's Eve, I went to Izumo City in Shimane to visit my friend's family. My friend is Japanese who is working in Canada. He has a great family. They were kind enough to invite me over to their place when my friend went back home to Canada for the New Year holidays. His Mom made "osechi" which is a traditional Japanese New Year's Day menu. It was delicious.

... and then that same night we went to Izumo Taisha (Izumo Grand Shrine), one of the largest shrines in Japan, and the largest in Western Japan. That was my second time in that shrine. We went there for "hatsumode", the traditional first visit to a shrine for the new year. It was freezing cold but we survived.

10:00 PM
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A note on copyright:
All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on aNONradio.net and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. aNONradio.net and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.
However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.
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