Wednesday, September 09, 2009
I really really want an iPhone....
... I've been doing a lot of research on Softbank iPhone (since I'm a Softbank customer in Japan) off the web... My big problem is unlocking it once I go back home to Canada next year in August. Some people says it can be unlocked, but some no... some people discourage it... so confused!
... today I finally went to our local Softbank store here in my town just to clarify things. The guy was not very friendly, maybe because I'm a foreigner, I don't know. He's a salesman and he's suppose to sell me his products, but NO... It seems like he was trying to discourage me from getting the iPhone... He kept giving me the high prices and not the discounted rates... I had to ask for the discounted rates... he was suppose to offer that to me being a long time Softbank customer. When I asked for supplies, he discouraged me again saying they didn't have any... other stores may not have as well it he said... I asked if I order today when I could get it, he said he didn't know... he was supposed to do some research and base his answers on past experiences! Again, he was supposed to sell!!! And so I told him I would order from the Apple Stores, then finally he suggested he could order it for me at the store, wha??!! Whatever! I asked for the full price since I might just buy it without the contract since the monthly payment for the phone (if I opt for monthly installment) is so complicated and I might go home to Canada next year anyway and so break the contract and pay for the penalty which I'm willing to pay anyway, he told me 75,000 yen which is about 800 dollars, that's fine....
... eventually I decided to just give up... 800 dollars for an iPhone in Japan, and you wouldn't even know if it would work in Canada.... I really think the iPhone over here in Japan is overpriced and the staff in the local Softbank shop here is not very friendly... so upset about that...
I guess I will be sticking to my old Sharp 825SH.... I will buy my iPhone when I go back home to Canada next year... who knows, there could be a new model by then....
8:03 PM
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
I've just finished reading "New Moon"... I can't wait to get a hold of the next one!
A few days ago, I've also decided to plunge into what I consider the most exciting trip of my life, so far... after so many years!
8:33 PM
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Well well well... I'm back in Facebook... I just thought I'd keep it because it's the easiest way to be in touch with my friends and family and be posted of what's going on around me... I just have to keep my privacy settings strong.
I came back to Japan last week Monday... I've been down on and off, kind of sad to leave home, again... but I just have to think I only have less than a year left here in Japan... I'm dying to go home... but at the same time I'm also sad that I have to leave Japan soon... I'm really confused.
Recently, I've been obsessed with this book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer and the rest of the books in the saga. For the first time ever in my life, I finished reading a book in less than a week. I am not really fond of reading books... they usually just put me to sleep... or take me several months to finish reading one book. I haven't been obsessed reading novel in a while since Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles". But these books are different. I also watched the movie after reading the book. It was a cool movie. It wasn't great but it was not too bad.

I'm now reading the second book, "New Moon".

6:54 PM
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