Saturday, May 28, 2005
I had a great time last night. I had dinner with J in my favourite Vietnamese restaurant downtown, then we walked along Queen Street West... then he asked me if I would like to come over his place since he had some time to kill. He found out his roomy was still taking a nap. They were suppose to help a friend move some stuff around his place. At first I said "no" because I did not want to bother him and his roommate and I knew he had something to do after the dinner... He said it was OK and so I came over his place, I met his roommate, who I think is a nice guy as well, but he was already up and on his way out.
12:56 PM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Happy birthday to H.R.M. Queen Victoria (R.I.P.)!
Today is a national holiday in Canada celebrating the birthday of the longest reigning English monarch, Queen Victoria. I am celebrating it by replying to the tons of unanswered emails in my inbox. I have responded to 29 emails so far dating as far back as May of last year! It's unbelievable!
I will be watching the fireworks with my brothers and Mom along lakeshore downtown later on. That's all for now.
6:11 AM
Sunday, May 22, 2005
The answer I have been waiting for!!!
I received an email today from the Consulate of Japan and told me where I will be going in Japan!! Oh my... It's nowhere closer to any place I chose... hmmm... I have to do research!!
3:25 PM
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Yup, it's been a while! I have lots of free time... I have just been very lazy blogging, that's all.
So lately, I have been doing nothing after work. I still work 5 days a week. I usually walk around downtown, go window shopping, go to my favourite coffee shop in the village, sit, smoke, sip my coffee while watching じゃぐじゃぐ parade their dogs and 見見さいさいさ... I find it so entertaining watching them. haha. I do get picked up occasionally since I sit alone but I just give them a smile and continue listening to my music and look away. I might look like a bitch to them but I don't care.
Well, I will be watching a concert tomorrow. It will be a musical performance by a famous classical violinist, Yitzhak Perlman. I will be watching it with my good friend K-K. I love K-K... He's such a nice guy. しゃ musician, a piano teacher, なぱかなぱかがんだなぱか sexy... しゃなぱか patient with me. He can tolerate my corny jokes,wild ながわ思なん, non-sense rantings, etc. I always jokingly ask him to show さくなぽとにゃ (haha) and yet he does not get offended, instead he nicely declines and just shows me a bit... well, it depends on how you define "a bit"... haha. I just love this guy. ^ _ ^
I also received my new passport today from the mail. ボクは本当に日本に行くね〜。。。
12:28 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Friday night I had northern Chinese style dimsum for dinner with fellow student union execs. The food was delicious! My favourite was Peking duck... mmmm... fat... yummy. I love fat. It was really tasty.

Saturday I worked. My friend M called me after and we went for coffee, then we went to our university and took some photos.
This is the east side of the main building. This building is called the University College. I understand that this style of architecture is gothic revivalism?

This is me waiting for a bird poo to land on my face... naaah.. just joking. This building is actually the recreational centre of the university. It is called The Hart House. I took Taichi lessons here.

We then went for dinner at our favourite Vietnamese restaurant. We ran through this guy I dated for a month at that restaurant, said hi to him, and guess what? He forgot my name. I could not believe it. I got upset but I did not show it in front of him. Who cares anyway. He asked me to call him sometime to get-together... nah-ah... I don't think so! We then met up two other friends and had coffee together.
I felt deep sadness when we parted last night. He is going to Montreal and stay there for the summer. I might not see him again until next year when I come back from Japan if he decides to come back to Toronto and stay here to finish his studies. I will surely miss him. He was like a real little brother to me.

Later, M! I love you!!!!
3:23 PM
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
I woke up early today - 8:00 AM, even though I don't have work. I just don't want to waste time. Somehow, sleeping for me is a waste of time. I had rice and sausage for breakfast (I know, what a combo!). This is our regular breakfast at home, at my parents'. I kind of missed that. I have also been eating proper dinner since I moved back. I will be fat living here for sure.
I went downtown yesterday. I went to campus and did some admin stuff (course evaluation forms) for our course student union org. The deadline was 5:00 PM. I came there around 1:30 PM because I slept in and I had to travel 1.5 hours to get there from my place (compared to only 20 minutes coming from my place downtown!). I had to meet a friend at 3:00 PM so I brought the ones that were done to the student union office. If we submit them by 5 o'clock, we could get $1.50 for each form we submitted. They asked me if I could finish the rest by 5. I was not sure. I left and met my friend at the subway. I was 15 minutes late. He was very patient with me. I asked him if I could finish the forms I was doing and he said yes so I dragged him all the way back to campus, told him to sit and read his book while I finished the rest of the forms. I finished them! Because of that, we would be getting $61.50 that the org could use to pay for our farewell dinner, yay! I felt that I accomplished something! My friend and I then had coffee and chat... He had to work. He works in the coffee shop just two stores away from where I used to live. I walked with him to work but I had to go back because I could not go any closer to my old apartment because I felt sad... haha... I was such a drama queen. I went to the mall and hopped into the subway and I went home.
My good friend M also had to move to Montreal for the summer. He called me up a few days ago to come over his place and have some drink and so we did. I didn't get that drunk very much but I got sick taking shots of that nasty Jack Daniel's he had. We just talked and drank. I slept over there and had to wake up early the next morning for work. Oh did I tell you he used to live where my ex used to live? Such a small world. I took some photos:
M made me try all his clothes on. They were too big for me:

This is M pretending to be sleeping on the same bed me and my ex fooled around... LOL. He would always say "eeew" everytime I remind him.

Oh... and he showed me this. He thought this belongs to my ex.

Saturday: the move
Saturday, I moved back to my parents' in the suburbs. I took some photos of my apartment before the move and after the move. さみしいよ〜 <__>。。。

10:42 PM
Sunday, May 01, 2005
I will miss sushi house...
I moved back to the 'burbs with my parents after 2 years of freedom, living on my own, right in the heart of downtown Toronto. I was left with a sigh of sadness when I left my old apartment after the move. I was very emotional at that time. It's not just the freedom and the fun that I would be missing when I leave there, but I was emotional because I have spent so much memories in what we (the tenants) call "the sushi house". I guess it was the most memorable place I've lived in, so many good memories: living with the nicest roommate+friend ever, meeting and spending time even more friends, spending time with a guy I once liked, spending time and having one of my good friends sleep over and talk about crazy stuff, meeting one of my current favourite guys in the world, getting a cup of coffee from a coffee shop two doors away from me and smoke a cigarette while watching people walking along the busy street... oh, so many good memories I will never ever forget.
Now I'm back with my family, in preparation of my departure to Japan... as I came back I also found out a great news.. I didn't accept it well at first that I even considered not moving back at all and postponing it on the month I'm leaving for Japan... but after a while, I learned to accept it... in fact, I am now very excited about the news.
6:27 PM
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