Monday, March 28, 2005
playing teacher...
I think we are getting closer and closer... as friends. Last night, Y came by my apartment after work and we talked and talked... well, I did most of the talking. We talked about music, Catholicism, Protestantism, King Henry VIII of England, the Great Schism, persecutions of Christians in Japan during Tokugawa, patron saints, proselytizing religions, schooldays punishments, aaah, so much! I talked for hours! He's a nice guy. I like people who listens and reacts to me with much enthusiasm!... he's such a nice smoke buddy too!
I finally filed my income tax return!
4:43 PM
Happy Easter! My co-workers gave me a total of 2 easter chocolate eggs. I like them. I ate one. I will eat the other one tomorrow.
My friend from Montreal is in Toronto for business and travel. He's nice. I took him to a joint birthday party for two of my good friends J and C. We had so much fun at J and C's birthday party. I love them both. I got J a personalized zippo, with really nice colour which i really really like. I got C a Japanese anime "A Cat Returns". He likes cats. He has a cat named Crackerz. Crackerz like to bite and meow.
I gave my friend from Montreal a tour of Toronto: Chinatown, Korean town, Kensington Market, Old Town Toronto (St. Lawrence Market area).
Welcome to my new design - "pixel people version". It's a repeat with revisions here and there from the design back in 2003 or 2002? I'm lazy making up a new design. I like to reuse. I don't want to be used. If you are cute, then you can use me. Just don't trash me.
I added my iPod song list. I just want to add it.
I have to study. Bye.
12:07 PM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
I overslept today! I slept 9 hours! I feel a lot better! ^ _ ^ I have to go back to my downtown apartment soon to do my laundry. I ran out out of underwear and socks.
4:43 AM
Friday, March 25, 2005
I'm in the 'burbs chillin' with my mommy and daddy, my bros and sis.. haha. I'm sleeping over here. I need some time to relax from school work... I finally finished my essay last night and handed it in today - one day late but my teacher was very kind enough to make an exception for me. I came to work an hour late today because of that same essay I did the night before... argh... I've only had 3 hrs sleep last night. For the past few days, I've only been sleeping 4 to 5 hours a day, I'm not kidding. I'm blaming my frequent dizzy spells from lack of sleep.
I read a poem today and it really made my heart jump, although the poem was most likely not written for me... well, I want to pretend it's for me! ^ _ ^
I leave you with a wacky photo of me holding a piece of chips taken at a surprise party we threw for our teacher last weekend. The girls including my teacher are all so cute! I had so much fun that night... and was so drunk. I still can't believe I had to go to work early next day... well, that's me!

5:03 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
I am so screwed for my in-class essay exam tomorrow for my Chinese Literature class > _ < I only started studying today... > _< I have been studying all day today. It was a mentally exhausting day for me. Thank God, my newly found friend J rescued me! We have been chatting, exchanging emails and talking on the phone for a while now but we never really spoke in person. We decided to meet today and so we did briefly. We had a cup of coffee, chatted, and tried to get to know each other better. He seems like a nice guy to me. He's cute too ^ _ ^ He's so nice he linked me on his site... awwweee... Thanks, J!!! ^ _ ^
By the way, you may have noticed the new design... Well, it's not really new, I just used the old design from Nov. 2002 and changed it a bit. Simplicity is beauty!
OK, back to studying.
2:52 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
a fun day at the Shonen Knife concert!!
I just got home from the Shonen Knife concert and man, that was a great show! I just found out that they have been around since '83! They really amazed me because they have been together and have been playing for 22 years, and they are so cute! Girl power! ^ _ ^ They played "Twist Barbie", "Tortoise Brand Pot Cleaner's Theme", "Mysterious Drugstore", "Banana Chips", and so much more. They also played a new song "Spam" from their newest album which Naoko-san said may not be released in Canada. It will be released in Japan in July. It's a cute song which is about Naoko-san's experience and ennui against spam emails... it was sooo Shonen Knife! haha. They also played a song from an older album about a Japanese mythological river or lake creature. Unfortunately I forgot the title of the song. It was such an amazing experience. I have been listening to them for quite some time now and yet I've never really watched any of their concerts. Tonight was my first time to see them live. They were wearing the same synchronized dress in the Millenium CD jacket. They went back to the stage twice (i.e. 2 encores). In the first encore, they played a cover of The Ramones' "I Want To Be Sedated". Naoko-san said they are her most favourite band of all time. A Toronto-based duo called The Leather Upper opened for them. I bought two Shonen Knife merchandise--a poster (note the the trio's autographs, チョーかわ〜いい! ^__^

and a copy of their very first album "Burning Farm" where most of their first famouse songs were taken... well, not famous in the pop-world's standards anyway.

... and the best part!: I had the two stuff autographed by them, and I conversed with them in Japanese!! haha! I don't know, it just came out naturally without even thinking... and when I realized I just spoke in Japanese, it was too late to switch to English! haha... oh and by the way, they have a new drummer, Etsuko, and I spoke to her the longest... well, I thought an exchange of 5 sentences would be considered long.. haha. She told me at the end 「あなたの日本語、上手ですね。。。」 to which I replied with one of the many standard expected replies, 「いいえ、まだまだですよ。」 hahaha... Or perhaps she meant it as a タテマエ? haha... of course, it has to be!
Then I saw hisa na ganiaraki na yakuse sa Mandarin class in the concert. Sia nasabi saku na sia Icelandic ancestry and immediately aku nasabi kia naku soki sa Bjork... haha! I was such a geek! Sia nafunia run sadiri. I went with my friend J. At the end of the concert, sia nafuni saku and talked. We finally introduced ourselves to one another. Sia nabiga ku a very tight handshake, very sincere, and tight (ku soki ha!)... We talked about different bands and movies we like on our way home. He said he likes Morrissey (uhuh) and the movie Taboo or 御法度 (again, uhuh).... so... hmmm... I begin to wonder now...
It was really a fun day for me today!
5:52 PM
Saturday, March 12, 2005
少年ナイフ in Toronto!

YAY! I'm so excited! I love them very much! They are チョーかわいい!! Hmmm... but they're quite more mature now, yet they still rock! ^ _ ^ To commemorate their visit to Toronto, I have featured their song "Banana Chips" which is my favourite song ^ _ ^ ... Click here to listen to it... They sing mostly funny, playful, non-sense song... and I like it! ^ _ ^ I also bought their CD a few days ago.

... on a more cheesey side... Am I in love again??? ... and worse, with a straight guy? > _ < ... Man, I don't want to get hurt again like in 2000-2001... to be continued...
10:48 AM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
I have decided to stay away from chat for a while. That's all.
10:36 AM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
10:44 AM
I will be a new person from now on. My friend and I were reading my emails from the past, as far as 2003 when we first met and it brought back a lot of memories, both bad and good. I discovered things that I want to change.
4:00 AM
Monday, March 07, 2005
悲しい酒を飲んだ。。。 I told Y~! Nafuniakami sa hisa bar na diyagu tafu haba nagaosafu kimi aku nasabi sakia an totohonan sakin at OK raho sia. Totohana ako soki sia noni sia diyagu. Kaya, tinji kayo sa hisame na sentence...
1:10 AM
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