Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Last night was a very special night... I think this is it. I've finally な会しゃ, and someone who likes me back. How we met was not too romantic though but I believe it was fate who brought us together... maybe. しゃりん思ながぬん. しゃ Chinese, 3 years younger, very friendly, nice, polite, outgoing, 小がんだあとせぃきせぃ ^ _ ^ ... しゃ seems perfect and so I've been thinking perhaps there is some kind of a catch... Very few are like that nowadays. 会うかみ再あした for dinner. It's just too bad it might turn out to be another unsuccessful long distance relationship if I end up going to Japan next year in July. Blah, I should just enjoy the present moment and not think too much about the future.
I've been single for almost a year and to feel this way again is kind of weird... weird but it's a nice feeling. It's been a while...
Maybe I should not hope too much.
3:35 PM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
I'm really loving this newly found Japanese group, Asian Kung-fu Generation. It reminds me so much of my favourite bands in the mid to late 90's... sort of a melange of Weezer, Nada Surf and Foo Fighters. Thanks to my friend K who introduced them to me ^ __ ^

both images taken from HMV Japan site
In the meantime, I've been busy doing nothing in the past few days... haha. I've been staying a lot indoors lately since it's been very cold outside but I got sick of it and so I went out for a bit, walked around the mall and then had a cup of coffee while reading a manga.
Love life? I've met three people in the last 2 weeks and they all sucked.
I think I've been cursed.
... and my hair keep growing and growing. I haven't got the chance to go my hairstylist. I really need some recolouring done. I like the long hair anyway.

Oh, I passed the first screening for the JET Programme so I will be going for an interview in February. ** cross-fingers!! **
4:03 PM
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Merry Christmas!
10:41 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
I'm still alive! Sorry I haven't been blogging for so long... I will make time tomorrow, I promise.
3:10 PM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
I'm really hurt.... when it's my turn to get help... I feel being used. This is what happens when I get too close to somebody... I should really keep myself within my age group...
11:48 AM
I am so stressed out right now. I really want to get up from my seat and shout > o < I could not get rid of this huge space between two bullets in Word! It's really driving me nuts!!! I have this presentation due tomorrow and this freakin' Word has been dragging me so bad.
I also don't understand why people have been mean to me, well, two of them. I guess they were just so stressed out with school, and so am I and I'm still trying to be pleasant and all.
7:38 AM
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