Monday, November 22, 2004
my friend K is in toronto! she arrived last week wednesday from japan. she visits me and the rest of our friends every year. she's my best girl friend ever! she brought me triceratops' "licks and rocks" poster sets and "asian kung-fu generation" cd...

"asian kung-fu" is awesome. they sound like the bands from the mid and late 90's that i listen to such as nada surf, weezer, bush, etc. she also brought me caramucho which is i think one of the best chips in the world, and HDP and Smart magazine. they are popular men fashion magazines in japan. her cousin and her cousin's friend then came a few days after. they are so cute. we just had a party at O and G's place earlier. it was awesome. they are leaving tomorrow. Mちゃん shed tears when we parted on our way home and i was really touched. i will see them all next year in japan!

3:33 PM
Monday, November 15, 2004
aaaargh!!! my finals for chinese literature is in less than 2 hours! i'm sooo stressed out!
11:40 PM
My Desktop of the Week
Kamui of X-1999 (Clamp)

12:20 AM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
This is it...
I just mailed out my JET application a few minutes ago... It was very emotional... I realized if I get accepted, my life will be changed forever...
12:21 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004
At Last, the Wonder Three!!!
After many hours of thinking, researching and consulting with friends, I have finally decided three choices of places to settle in Japan for the JET programme. I thought really hard, researched a lot, and even did a draw with a bit of pseudo-religous rites... haha. It was hard to choose! Instead of staying in big cities where there are lots of foreigners, I decided to live where there are few... and they are, in order of preference: Nara, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now I can be at peace.
1:19 AM
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Useless People in Japan
I do have a really shallow sense of humour... I was almost crying laughing out loud while reading an article from this site talking about useless people (or jobs) in Japan - people who basically do nothing:
my personal favourite is that lady who sits in the corner of museums who does nothing, say nothing and knows virtually nothing... so hilarious!

photo taken from the "Quirky Japan Homepage"
10:02 AM
Starting a New Lie in Kyoto
I found this from the Kyoto City International Foundation Centre website:

Now I'm starting to think people from Kyoto are just a bunch of liars... hehe. ^ _ ^
9:44 AM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
i'm really going to japan next year through the JET Programme as an assistant language teacher... yikes!! i have all my documentations ready and all i need is to fill out the form... at the same time i'm really nervous... i've never been away from my family before... haha... i'm such a big baby... at the same time i'm excited... but i think i'm more worried than excited... i have three choices where i will be staying, in order of preference, so far: Yokohama, Chiba, Kyoto. it doesn't mean i will get any of them. it is very competitive and it will be very difficult to get in to any of these cities. hope for the best.
oh and i saw this guy walking in the university library with 一番 ("ichiban" = "the best".. in japanese) headband around his head. i don't know why he had it on. he looked very serious. oh well.
oh so i got to know いとならきな i've been very curious in last night. our university org had this dinner/meeting last night at a korean restaurant in korean town. it's so hard to tell whether しゃじゃぐかかじじ. oh well. however, he mentioned to me a friend who lives in さじゃぐな community for no reason and i happen to know this guy. why mentioned it? i got more curious.
my jacket, my shirt and my hair smell like korean food... man.
* Note: i made up some words that i will use with a friend of mine when we talk in the school cafeteria so people won't know what we are talking about, especially made to encrypt very sensitive words. it's a mixture of english, japanese and french, with slight modifications. he told me to get a life.
12:48 PM
Sunday, November 07, 2004
ok.. well i guess i have time to post photos i took from our halloween masquerade last they are! go find me!:

see how beautiful we were!

please don't kill me mr. samurai!

aren't we awesome?! take note of my legs... eeeew!

girls just wanna have fun...

i found a bunch of zombies roaming around the city!
11:42 PM
Aaargh... It's been a very busy week for me. All I did was studying. My marks in my Japanese class is getting low. I talked to my professor about it and I told her the truth that I wasn't studying that much for the course and that I will do my best and put more time and effort on it. I guess this is the most important course for me right now as it will be useful when I go to Japan next year.
I did go out Friday night for a farewell get-together for one of my good Japanese friend. He will be leaving Toronto for good, going back to Japan. He was only here for a year for a work contract. I got drunk that night.
oh and I dressed up again for halloween with my friends and went to the famous annual masquerade on church st. (this is the gay centre of toronto by the way for those of you who do not know). i dressed up as a school girl, again, but there's something new... my friend put fake blood running down my legs... it was gross... you'd know what it's suppose to be... eeew! i did gross out many people that night.... but i thought it was funny. sorry girlfriends.... i guess i'll post a photo once i have time.
Love life? Non-existent right now. I've been too busy to date people, or even meet people. I do however まい小なあいあいあくさいさならきないと in my history class. I could not talk さきゃだひあく shy さきゃ... good news: しゃな chosen to be part of my university org! my heart jumped for joy when i read the email from our org president! was this fate??? i don't want to get too involved with people right now because I'm really struggling with my studies right now... but hey wait a sec, i don't even know くんしゃ好らきかかばひ, d'oh. my other friend who knows him told me しゃ is about 90% じゃぐ though. hmmm... くんしゃ straight, i probably wouldn't have any interest さきゃらはらは, but somehow something in me tells me なしゃあいがぬん.
11:09 PM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
I'm learning Mandarin this year. I can't stand simplified Chinese characters! I'm so used to writing Japanese characters which use a lot of classical Chinese characters. Simplified Chinese characters are so ugly! yukkkk! Sometimes I just want to laugh how oversimplified they are!
10:48 AM
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