Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Some people need to examine themselves... some are just full of attitude and I just hate it. I don't really need that right now.
Monday, September 27, 2004
long time no blog... well, school has just started once again and i've been extremely busy in the past few days. anyway, my current desktop wallpaper, featuring Hyde of L'Arc-en-Ciel:

11:47 AM
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I saw a great filipino cultural show last night - the Fiesta Filipina Dance Troupe. They were amazing! They performed several folk/traditional dances from different parts of the Philippines.

image from site
I also met the さぶはい中くなぴなかがんだ、ぴなかせぃきせぃ, so far, in that same place... well, 仕事しゃるん... ^ _ ^ the eyes man! the eyes! I cannot forget them! they were sweetly haunting! ^ _ ^ A friend of mine setup さきゃ a few weeks ago... we have only been e-mailing and talking on the phone but never really met in person.... it just happened that my grandma bought me and my mom tickets to the show... coincindently, 仕事しゃるんくんさあん they did the show.... however, I promised myself not to put too much hope on this one... que sera, sera... we shall see! ^ _ ^
3:39 PM
Saturday, September 18, 2004
sometimes you realize that you are all alone... and sometimes i like it.
6:07 AM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
it's the toronto international film festival once again. i only picked three movies to watch, of which I've already watched two:
- "The House of the Flying Daggers" - China

this movie is amazing! it's like crouching tiger only the main character, kaneshiro takeshi, is super gorgeous ^ _ ^ the focus of the movie is not so much on the fighting but the love triangle involving two fellow swordsmen and a beautiful rebel fighter disguised as a blind dancer. the scenery was astounding. each scenery conveys the feeling that is eminent in the situation and the feelings of the characters. my favourite scenery was the fight in the bamboo forest, reminiscent of crouching tiger, however, the scenery in the flying daggers was more richly coloured and elaborate. the fights were amazing as well. the director, zhang yimou, was present in the theatre and made a few speech.
- "Nobody Knows 「誰も知らない」 - Japan

directed by Kore-Eda, one of my favourite Japanese directors, this film was amazing, very touching! it's such a sad story about four kids left by their mother in a small apartment. they struggled to live by themselves. most of the work was done by the oldest brother. it was very sad and depressing I cried. the development of the story was slow and there were only a few words. i saw a number of symbolisms. there were a lot of waiting, pausing, contemplating among the characters, which set japanese films or perhaps Kore-Eda's films, apart from the usual quick-bang-bang-bang and extremely clear Western movies... i like the vagueness and the open-endedness of this film, and perhaps those of the rest of japanese films i've seen so far.
- "Old Boy" - Korea
I will watch this on Wednesday!
10:32 AM
Friday, September 03, 2004
i just had a haircut today... i think it's a bit too short... and then i took this stupid photo... i was trying to produce 'bedroom eyes effect' but not sure if it's working ^ _ ^

the last time i had short hair was about a year ago!
10:47 AM
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Dreams may not last, but one can remember it forever.
2:30 PM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
I realized today how lucky I am to have real good friends! Thank you so much... You know who you are...
1:04 PM
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