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I accidentally deleted precious photos taken from my cousin's wedding last night and so I'm literally pulling my hair off right now! I could not believe it!
I guess this is a wake up call to backup anything very precious IMMEDIATELY! It was my fault. I was very careless.
I just want to think that this incident is the same as losing films of photos you've just taken just before you're about to bring them to the store for developing.
I hate myself! argh!!!!
1:25 PM
I've done something today that I've never done before, or maybe not have done for a long long time... I called my cousin in Manila who I grew up with. I spoke to his sister too. It was great feeling chatting with them once again. I haven't seen them for 11 years.
12:37 PM
I placed my first bid ever on E-Bay today, after 2 years!
I'm bidding on a classic 1980 Yamaguchi Momoe Photo Album! I love her! I hope I win it!
Lately, I've been feeling lonely living in my new apartment. I get visits from my friend M every Tuesday and Thursday nights since he goes to the nearby college for a course. He's such a sweet kid. Although there's 10 years difference between us, I felt that I'm getting closer and closer to him. I'm more like a big brother to him and he treats me like one, however, I still think that sometimes he's more mature than me. He he. I'm very happy to have him as a friend.
When the feeling of loneliness strikes, I get to realize that I've been single since ぴなからちなあい人 who went back to Japan in November last year. I know it's wrong, but な寂くしゃ and I've been reminiscing a lot the times when we were together - when I walk along the streets of my area あとあくま寝. This place indeed has a lot of fond memories. I know that I should really move on but somehow I start to think whether あく終なさきゃ.
I really need to start dating again! >___<
3:10 PM
A new version of Camino 0.8, my favourite web browser, is out! Actually, it has been out for a while and I only found out today! I love the new interface. It's very much like Safari. It's the fastest browser so far for the Mac OS X!
1:45 PM
I'm a bit disappointed today. I've been trying to call this friend of mine in Japan but we just could not have a very good connection every time I called since he only has a cell phone. It wasn't his fault but I'm just upset that there was nothing we could do. I do not call my friends up often and so it really took a lot of my effort to make that phone call and yet.... oh well.
12:33 PM
i'm so lonely!!
10:46 AM
Filipinos are very superstitious people!
This is my personal favourite:
"A breech baby will bring luck to the family. She will also have the power to remove fish spines stuck in another person's throat by merely touching that person's neck"
... and yet another one!:
"If a child's milktooth falls out, throw it up onto the roof of the house so that the rats will find it. When the new tooth grows in, it wil be as strong and as powerful as a rat's tooth."
I thought that was cute!(excerpts from "Filipino Folk Beliefs" at http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/Folk_Beliefs/filipino_folk_beliefs.htm)
11:44 PM
Everyone, meet Starbucks! A friend thought of that name, not me.
12:34 PM
i got a new craze with the filipino mega star miss sharon cuneta!
i just simply adore her!
12:01 PMThursday, May 20, 2004
I went to the dentist's today for cleaning and check up... argh! I hate cleaning the most... The cold water and the scraping hurt so much!I have three more additions to my little aquatic circle of friends....
Portia the fighter fish;
Perky the algae eater; and finally...
Mathilda the orange gourami a.k.a. Mathilda the Bitch.
Mathilda is in detention right now (notice the Stella Artois wine goblet I placed her in.. hehe) for her frequent attacks on Selena the angel fish, the queen of my aquarium. I'm thinking of releasing Mathilda in a pond, somewhere... I do not tolerate violent behaviour in my aquarium... tee he he...
Selena the angel fish.
I also went to Ikea up in the suburbs to buy a desk lamp and another lamp for my kitchen... I ended up buying other things too which always happen to me.... oh well.
12:08 PMTuesday, May 18, 2004
I got myself a new friend. Her name is Selena. She's a beautiful angel fish. Actually, I don't know whether she's a girl or a boy. She looks like a girl to me. I just bought this aquarium today and I was shocked when I got the bill! $160 all together!!!! I wanted to return it but I felt really bad to everyone who helped me out in the store. I was thinking of selling it in eBay but I'd lose so much money so I decided to keep it. I'm a bit upset though. I always wanted to keep an aquarium. It reminds me so much of my childhood.Monday, May 17, 2004
my parents, my aunt and my little brother visited my tiny place.i learned that the building where my apartment is is 140 years old.
i got my cable installed.
i got myself a new poster:
Sunday, May 16, 2004
i'm having a new obsession with this creature:
i wanna get one for myself...
11:52 PM
... i present you, my new apartment!
To all you fag hags out there: ^___^ This is the cutest video ever!Click on the image below to view it... (video courtesy of Cinema Selorio at http://homepage.mac.com/selorio/cinema/iMovieTheater29.html
image was taken from Ryantown at http://www.ryantown.com/gayboyfriend
6:31 AMThursday, May 13, 2004
ooh... wow... i like blogger's new look!anyhow, i finally moved to the new place... i still have a bunch of stuff from my old roommate's to get rid of. I transformed the place from a gloomy place into a lot brighter, happier place.
Saying good-bye to my old apartment was sad. I'm a very sentimental person. I guess it's because I've had lots of good memories in that apartment - this is where the friendship between me and my friend/roommate became stronger and it witnessed the love that developed between me and my ex.
Too much for the drama, here are photos of my room when i used to live in the old apartment, and that same room after I left:
[my room then]
[that same room now]
... and somehow, it was hard for me to say good-bye to our dear antique toaster. I think it was from the 60's and I think somebody brought it all the way from Japan:
I didn't have a place to put it as my new apartment is really tiny and I don't think anybody would take it so I had to stash it. I gave it a proper memorial service though.
God was good to me. He answered one of my wishes. I didn't ask him for it and yet he still gave it to me. I think he's always been watching over me all along. I'm so happy and relieved.
My friend S left for Vancouver yesterday and then to Korea. He will return to Canada only after 3 years. He's been my buddy, in and outside school. I'll miss him dearly.
My inbox is sooooo full.
My dear friend S left for Vancouver yesterday and then to Korea. He will stay in Korea for 3 years for military training as required for all Korean nationals. He has been my buddy inside and outside the university. I will miss him so much.
Monday, May 03, 2004
it's moving day for me! i'm only moving next door. i will no longer have a roommate. i will be on my own this time.
11:18 PM
i found this photo taken from the last new years party. me and my friend stuck nori (japanese seaweed) to our upper teeth. now we look like the beauties of Heian Japan. Japanese ladies in the Heian period used to blacken their teeth as a sign of beauty ya know....
Friendster is so cool. I recently started using it again. I registered last year but I never really had the chance to play around with it. I started again because my co-worker enticed me to so I did and found out that なしゃじゃぐりん. Somehow I always knew しゃじゃぐ but I never had the guts なたのにんしゃ until last night when I found out that he is friends with two guys who I did a fashion show with さいさな Asian parties. I think Friendster brought us closer together.Saturday, May 01, 2004
we had a great warm sunny weather last thursday... everyone was out, including a topless reporter i spotted on Church Street by chance:
All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on aNONradio.net and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. aNONradio.net and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.
However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.
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