Saturday, January 31, 2004
the bluelotus project has found a new home!
7:45 PM
Friday, January 30, 2004
ok i exaggerated... it wasn't a week... it was only 3 days... but still! >__< haha... i'm such a whiner.
1:11 AM
i've been a bit of a bitch lately... well, i have these two friends, one i emailed about a week ago, and another one i sent a text message 2 days ago, one sent me a reply a week after and the other replied to my text message two days after. so, i've been waiting the whole time. i'm a bit disappointed at both of them. i am exactly the same. actually, most of the time, i reply even a month after so i really don't have the right to be angry, but, i've been very sick, physically and emotionally, lately, and so, i'm not exactly in the right mind right now, i am very sensitive and so i could not help hide my real feelings. i just want to say sorry to anyone who has tried to dip their toe in my waters of angst. how poetic, does it make sense? oh well.... ^__^
12:16 AM
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
i received today gifts from my best-EST girl-friend who lives in japan!! she's super-nice!! she remembered everything i like, i could not believe it! thank you so much, K!!!

"a bathing ape" brand t-shirt

new triceratops single

the bath sponge that i've been looking for for the longest time!!! no more of those painful synthetic sponge you buy from the drugstore!
9:47 PM
for the first time that i remember, my nose bled... i panicked!! i was so thankful i had a bunch of kleenex with me... something's definitely wrong with me. i was suppose to see my family doctor today in the suburbs but because of the bad snow storm, they cancelled my appointment.. i'm thinking of going to the walk-in clinic right here downtown but they will just tell me again that it was just a regular cold... i already went there once... i'm a person who doesn't like visiting doctors or dentists... i always think that i can take care of myself or that it's nothing serious... well, i have to rethink about that... i don't think it was just a cold. my cold keeps coming back since Christmas week...
5:32 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2004
i finally responded to some of my guestbook entries... i'm such a shame!
1:38 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2004
i haven't chatted for so long on msn messenger! i think tonight was the longest i stayed online on msn. i normally don't last longer than an hour! but i got a break from school work today, only because i read a whole chapter a day in advance for one of my courses, which i rarely do. i feel very accomplished today. also, i met a really nice person from the net and i really enjoyed talking to him. i hope i'll get to chat with him in person one of these days... but sometimes mystery is exciting!
12:40 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
reading tale of genji. i have 4 chapters to read.
i watched the first four epidodes of Abenobashi on DVD last night. my friends gave it to me as a birthday present. i love this anime. it was so hilarious!
3:51 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2004
I was introduced to somebody last night who really captured my attention... crush!!
7:48 PM
my friends brought me to a thai restaurant last night for my birthday. the restaurant was not that good. we waited about 2 hours to get our food. we all went to my friends' apartment after that, opened gifts, chatted and had some drinks. my friends' are my second family. i am so fortunate i am surrounded by such great people.
4:00 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2004
i just saw the underworld. i love it.
8:50 PM
it's sooooo cold in toronto today... it's the coldest i've experienced for about a year. the temperature is -25 Celsius and that's without the windchill. it must have been almost 30 something Celsius below zero! my red was so red when i got home. my face was like this:

well it's hard to see the red since i'm tan but you get my point.
anyway... i went to work today inspite of my bad condition, i.e. cold and sore throat, however, my headache went away after waiting about half an hour after getting up this morning.
my friends left for montreal for the weekend without me. they asked me to come but i couldn't because i'm still broke from the holiday shopping. thank god i didn't go because i'm still sick and it would've been like hell for me if i went. i'll miss them though.
i bought final fantasy x-2 yesterday and i've been playing it since then. it's ok. it's almost like the girlie version of ff-x to me. i made a commitment not to spend too much time playing this game as i'm busy with many things such as studies and reading "ghost in the shell", a bilingual japanese-english manga brought to me by my roommate from his trip to japan.
12:29 AM
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
i think netscape really did a good job with netscape 7.1 for mac os x... it's really fast and all sites pretty much work with it, unlike safari and internet explorer. i've had no problems so far with netscape 7.1. i think netscape 7.1 will sit on my dock as the ruling browser.
4:49 AM
Thursday, January 01, 2004
I had a great time last night with my close friends. We drank, sang Carpenters songs, danced 80's music, and ate different kinds of food. My friend K from Japan brought "mochi" and we ate them. It's tradition in Japan to eat mochi, wrapped in dried seaweed sheets, dipped in soysauce, in New Years Day. It was delicious.

3:54 PM
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