Wednesday, December 17, 2003
「君とHeavenly Kiss。。。」
I'm sorry that it didn't work out between us. You will always have a special place in my heart.
2:32 PM
I have so much to say but I'll just keep it short.
I got a new mobile phone last week. I love it. I say good-bye to my long-time companion, my old friend Mitsubishi phone. It's about time I replace it.
I watched The Last Samurai. It was not bad actually, except for some really cheesy parts. I thought it was really cheesy when the emperor Meiji asked Tom Cruise to help him die, however, there were really touching scenes. There was a scene where the Imperial soldiers shot all the remaining samurais using their newly acquired American weapons and then stopped and bowed before the helpless dead samurais. I couldn't stop my tears from falling on that one.
I also saw Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Volume 1. I thought it's one of those stereotypical Japanese martial arts action Hollywood movies, but i was wrong. It was not too "Hollywood-ish" after all. There were a lot of artistic elements a la Tarantino style in the movie which I find pleasing. I'm listening to the ending soundtrack of the movie which I really like (Meiko Kaji).
1:52 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2003
exams are finally over and christmas vacation, from school anyway, starts today! i was dying to get out of my last exam i didn't even check my answers.
i've been listening to filipino songs recently. i didn't realize there are many that are really good. my favourite is "Asin" (means "salt" in Tagalog). the rhythm is soothing and the lyrics are strong, political and touches on social issues.
i've been crazy downloading songs now since i found out about this peer-to-peer file-sharing software called "mlMac" for the Mac. it's great. i also like it because its faster to load (it doesn't use too much memory compared to limewire), the interface is easier and the appearance is much appealing to mac os x users. i used to use Limewire but it's such a memory hogger and it slows down my Mac a great deal, plus i get more song selections with mlMac because it connects to users of Limewire, Donkey and Kazaa. i usually don't download mp3 because i'm personally against it, however, i promised myself that i would only download songs that i can't find in toronto. most of these songs are japanese and filipino.
12:32 PM
Tuesday, December 09, 2003

両親の家のトイレです! ^_^
7:54 PM
A disaster came to toronto today. A friend of mine was suppose to attend class that day but luckily he was only going to the affected school in the afternoon after the disaster happened.
9:09 AM
Monday, December 08, 2003
I took the Japanese Proficiency Test this morning, just to see how bad my Japanese is ^_^... hehe. It was a 3 hour test. It was so-so.
My sister bought a new phone! It's awesome! I want to have one but I can't afford it. My sister told me she would buy it for me for Christmas! I can't ask her to buy it for me! It's too much! It was very nice of her though.
2:29 PM
Sunday, December 07, 2003
Arrrrgh! Perhaps one of the things I hate the most is being left out! > o < I don't understand!!!! It was my fault... La la la....
Thanks Maru-chan for swinging your head for me, oh so endlessly. It always makes me smile. I wish I were as happy as you are. You are my best friend ^_^ ... and Lucky ^_^

I think I'm gonna come down with a fever. No wonder I'm such a whack today.
1:06 PM
I hate being too sensitive. I wish I were less sensitive. I can't study. My throat is sore. I'm cold. I have a headache. I feel like throwing up. I think I'm gonna come down with a flu. I feel awful.
I'm a bit hurt, sad. Or maybe I'm just being too sensitive and I think too much. I feel useless, no fun, boring. I am no longer the centre of attraction. I'm being forgotten, ignored. I got replaced like an old toy. It's making me mad for no reason. I hate this feeling.
Life's so full of irony and cruelty.
I miss さあくならちなあい人 . I hope しゃなんどん to comfort me.
12:00 PM
the rise of the metrosexuals!!!
12:11 AM
Friday, December 05, 2003
stress... stress... stress...
2:36 PM
Monday, December 01, 2003
hidamari no tami everywhere!
a friend from japan wrote me an e-mail complaining how too many kinds of hidamari no tami are available and he couldn't decide which one to pick... he sent me photos from his mobile phone to prove it. apparently, this is the latest craze in japan right now. i already have one. another friend gave it to me when she visited toronto last month. they are really adorable. i smile and feel relaxed every time i look at it, bobbing its head and smiling at me. so cute.

12:58 AM
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