Sunday, November 30, 2003
grab these great wallpapers!
5:35 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Don't worry, be sad!
10:17 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2003
i went to my favourite greek restaurant, kalyvia, today with a friend who came all the way from britain, and two other good friends. i had kalamari dinner. i didn't finish it. it was too much for me. i love feta cheese but it makes me sick after i eat it. but i don't care, i still ate it. after that we went over to my friends' place and watched dvd, requiem for a dream. it was a really good movie. i loved it. i'm home now. gotta get some more sleep.
i slept at 6 am today. i crammed on my linguistics essay that was due today. i woke up late and missed three classes. i then went to the library to print my essay, but i had so much problem printing my essay. then i lost my umbrella. i got it back from lost and found, thank god. i got an "a-" from my linguistics assignment, it made me happy. i'm almost failing this class.
3:40 PM
Saturday, November 08, 2003
I am sooooo sad.
My best-EST girlfriend ever, Kyoko, who now lives in Japan visited me and my friends but she only stayed for a week. She left last week. I miss her. We had fun though. She came to Toronto also to celebrate the famous Halloween masquerade on Church Street in Toronto. It's now becoming an annual tradition for us. We did it last year too but this year was the best. Me and another awesome friend (the guy on the left), dressed up as Japanese "kogaru" school girls (I'm the one on the right). My friend in the middle dressed up as a typical North American schoolgirl with a bit of twist ^_^ . That was the first time I crossed-dressed, ever. I never thought I could do it. I thought it was fun! Three of my friends dressed up as really old frail men, another as a gypsy, and another as a cute pregnant young mother. It was the best Halloween ever!

Not for long, a special friend left for Japan today. I haven't even recovered from Kyoko's leaving yet.
... but I had a full month of fun and a lot of loving with that special person who I fell in love with. It was not long though, but it felt like we've known each other for so long. We had great fun together. I will cherish those moments forever. It was such an amazing feeling to love somebody. But that special someone has to leave me and it is uncertain when we are going to meet again. My eyes are swollen from crying almost the whole night last night and today. Parting at the airport was the saddest part. It was hard to let go.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. You will always be in my heart. I will always cherish those great moments we spent together. I will miss you dearly.
10:49 AM
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