saturday, october 26 , 2002, 2002
i saw uzumakiagain last night... haha... it's gorry, funny and disturbing... it's areally weird movie but i like how they made the movie... i guess you call it cinematography... i have no clue.
2:53 PM
thursday, october 24 , 2002, 2002
i was so upset this morning.... i went to a small store close to work to buy a gum, went to the guy and handed in my 10 dollar bill... he then scrutinized it, and then put it up against the light to see if it's fake, right in front of me... i was too nice i didn't say anything... i just thought he did that because he wanted to make sure he wasn't getting any fake money.... but deep inside, i was upset and embarrassed... so i left, but then the incident was troubling me... when he was checking the bill, i wanted to tell him if he does that to every bill he gets, but i was too nice i didn't say anything... common, it was a 10 dollar bill!!! if it's 20 bucks then i guess it's okay because some stores here started checking 20 dollar bills... anyway, i went back and pretended i wanted to buy kleenex, just to get even... i wanted to ask him whether he wanted to check my 5 dollar bill this time (i thought it's gonna be so stupid if he did)... so, there was this other guy giving him money but he didn't scrutinize his bill... so i went to him and ask why he didn't check his bill.... i also asked him if he was going to check my 5 dollar bill, to see whether if it's fake or not... but he said he didn't have to because it was only 5 dollars... then i asked him why he didn't check the other guy's bill... he said he did but i saw him didn't do it... i asked him why he did it only to me... he couldn't answer... he told me he got a fake 10 dollars yesterday that's why he was doing it... yeah right... then i thought it was pointless to argue so i left... but deep inside, i really wanted to tell him "do i look suspicious to you?" or "why did you check my bill and not the other guy? is it because i'm asian and he's white?".... oh my god, i was so so upset..... i could've told him these, but i was too nice and i shake everytime i argue... i'm not used to arguing with people.... but, i guess i got a little bit of revenge... but i really wanted a full revenge, like complain to the building management (where his store is)... or humiliate him in front of other customers.... but it would be such a waste of time... so, i want to forget about it.... i really wanted to ignore the race issue but then i just couldn't help not think about it... he's such a dick!
4:32 PM
wednesday, october 16 , 2002, 2002
raindrops fell
the flower blooms
i hope this beauty stays
and not wither soon.
12:18 AM
saturday, october 12 , 2002, 2002
i only found out today hirai ken's birthday and my birthday are only 1 day apart! that means his birthday is between mine and kyoko's! ^_^
9:40 AM
i went shopping yesterday and i bought a pair new shoes... they're "camper" shoes... i'm a bit excited to wear them... they're a bit expensive but i think it's worth the price. it was so hard to choose... it's always like that for me... so having somebody with me doing shopping is so much easier. tonight, i'm going to have some drinks with friends... one of my friends is leaving for banff, alberta. i wanna get hammered!! haha... i haven't been drunk for a while ^_^
9:21 AM
wednesday, october 9 , 2002, 2002
drank 1 large coffee 4 cream 4 sugar, and 1 medium 3 cream 3 sugar... i was suppose to drink one more for the night but the line up for coffee was huge, so i settled with no coffee at all at night... i was surprised i wasn't that sleepy in class ... i guess because the topic in my morphology (which means "word structure and construction") class was, ummm, say one of the examples was "john was a man-eater" and then we tried to reconstruct "man-eater" and find out how we, english speakers, store the word in our brain.... whuh? i think the instructor made a mistake in giving an example but it was funny, i was the only one in the class who giggled, unless nobody listens to her boring lecture??? maybe she just saw "red dragon".... hmmm.... actually, she's so far the best instructor i have for this year... i like her.
well, i just had a new university picture i.d. because "i lost my card".... and i'm very satisfied how the picture turned out. hahaha... i hate my old picture i.d., it wasn't like me in the picture!!! i like this new one, i look like a hoodlum.... ^_^
11:54 PM
tuesday, october 8 , 2002, 2002
ok, in case you guys forget what i look like, here's my most recent picture... i'm starting to like the hair colour... i hated it at first... hmmm... lalalala...

10:02 PM
wow!! i didn't realize i've been doing this weblog thingy for a while now! i skimmed through the entries and i had this sudden rush of "natsukashii" 「懐かしい」(an expression in japanese that does not have an exact translation in english, but i guess the closest equivalent would probably be "reminiscing" or "aah, the good ol' times..." ^_^) feeling in me... i looked so different before too!! yikes!
4:33 PM
monday, october 7 , 2002, 2002
oh my god! my site is in yahoo japan! haha... ^_^

11:19 PM
i guess i won't be revising it yet... i actually wasted time yesterday creating a new version of this site... i realized the new version i made is too colourful and happy... haha... it was based on my earlier version... i'm not really happy so the new site won't reflect my personality, so i thought i'd stick to this design for now until i come up with a new version.
i didn't get a lot of sleep last night because of this damn site... i was having problem publishing on blogger but i was able to fix it after so many hours. i didn't study much for my quiz today so i did pretty bad on this quiz... i'm a bit upset about it. and guess what, i'm revising my site again... i just never learn, eh?
i have to find a free domain... geocities have been giving me pains... blogger doesn't work with geocities any longer... geocities got rid of uploading capabilities for free users... so i have to go through extra steps just to publish my web pages... argh.... it's been like that actually for many months... this is one of the reasons why i've been very lazy updating my blog.... please let me know if you know a nice free domain, ok?
i've been very busy with school... i'm taking 100% course load so school work's slowly killing me now... on top of that i've also been working part-time at my old job... so, it's like hell! >_< i have 4 linguistics courses, 1 english writing course and 1 japanese course this year.
i watched "red >dragon" last friday... i like it. but i still like "silence of the lambs" more.
i dyed my hair with a darker shade last week. oh yeah, i think i forgot to mention i dyed my hair blonde, i mean all of them, before school started. my hair is medium brown now. i don't know if i should post a recent picture... who cares anyway...
i made a terrible mistake just a few months ago... it was something i regret now and i lost good old friends as a result... it was my fault so i'm bound to suffer from this consequence... it all started from me just being very busy with work and not picking up my phone nor writing e-mails, until i realized so many months have passed.... there were other reasons too why i let these things happened but they're quite lame and they're not worth mentioning... it's unacceptable. a few days ago, one of them e-mailed me just asking how i was doing... how happy i was when i got this e-mail. i have some issues and i made a promise to myself that i will try to correct them, before it's too late. i will start again from scratch. one of these old friends just suffered a loss in the family and i only found out today by reading his weblog. i'm so sorry. i hope he's okay.
4:06 PM
sunday, october 6 , 2002, 2002
hello? did it work?
11:03 PM
i am going to revamp this site.
3:49 PM
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