sunday, may 27, 2001
I went to picnic yesterday along the beaches of Lake Ontario with a friend's friends... they're all cool... it wasn't a good day... it was so windy and chilly... and then we headed up to a friend's place and played some stupid high school games (but they were fun!) and drank until we were drunk. It was fun ^_^ I was really close to have my hair cut really short again.... everyone in the group wanted my hair short so they dared me to cut it.... I kept thinking and thinking... I kept changing my mind and then finally I decided to keep the hair ^_^
Last night was amazing... I am so glad I went... I think destiny brought me there... I finally met somebody who I like very much and who likes me back. Okay, I know I got cheesy, sorry! ^_^
Today I'm going to my second cousin's Christening party. I still haven't bought a gift, as usual.... I'm going to the mall with my brother to get gifts... He hasn't bought one either... aren't we the typical guys?? ^_^
10:29 AM
tuesday, may 22, 2001
Today was a very emotional day for me. I have finally ended a friendship that probably never was. I was hurt and still hurting. My love for this person was so much I was willing to sacrifice everything. I guess I was blinded.
11:19 PM
h3>monday, may 21, 2001

We Canadians celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's birthday. It's a holiday today in Canada. We call it Victoria Day since it's really Queen Victoria's birthday but in Canada, we celebrate the reigning sovereign Queen Elizabeth II's birthday on this same day. So, happy birthday Your Majesty!
Yeah... so what if I'm a royalist?? ^_^ I think having a Queen makes us Canadians unique from the Americans, eh?? hehehe...
Today I'll try to respond to all my e-mails and all the nice people who wrote nice comments in my guestbook... I'll also try to blog in my group blogs before I get really busy again. It's raining so hard outside right now :-( but it's okay... it's good for the flowers and the trees.... ^_^
2:03 PM
I had a very busy weekend. Saturday my sister's birthday party at home and then I helped out my friends promote the boat cruise party they're holding in June. Sunday I walked around Eaton Centre, Queen Street West and then Chinatown. I ate so much Asian junkfood this afternoon I had stomach cramp after. I was also trying to look for a Hello Kitty stuff my sister asked me to buy for her. Then I met Jerwin and Jeff, had dinner at Spring Rolls and then I introduced them to bubble tea. They liked it. They also liked the cute packaging that came with it. Then I we went over their place, watched Simpsons and X-Files and then watched an interesting movie we rented.
I had a very meaningful day. Today I realized the true value of friendship and how fragile it could be and that we have to take good care of it.
Jerwin took a picture of me with this awesome monster sculpture we encountered on our way to dinner.

2:58 AM
friday, may 18, 2001
I came to office early again today... I was very distraught last night... I was very upset... I wanted to forget them and so I was dying to go to work and work... I think working help me forget my problems, keep my mind occupied... I talked to a friend about it.... I felt so aweful.... I felt betrayed... I felt used... This happens when you're too nice to people... Some of them take advantage of it.... I told myself I'll be strong and firm. I'll be more careful next time.
I started taking a summer university course. I'm taking History of East Asian Civilization. It's very interesting. 90% of the class is Chinese, 3% Japanese, 3% Korean, 3% caucasian and 1% Filipino (moi! or maybe less??), hehee....
7:25 AM
sunday, may 13, 2001
Daniel and I must have left our friends' place (where we crashed for the night) about 2:30 PM and then we met up with Tom to discuss some plans about our upcoming Asian boat cruise party in June. We walked and walked around downtown Toronto area... we also took pictures of ourselves... I brought my digital camera to take pictures of last night's party but totally forgot about it because I got so drunk! After leaving us, Daniel and I walked around Queen Street West, Toronto's fashion district, and then headed to Chinatown where I ate fishballs in a stick and then pineapple in a stick as we were walking.. they were yummy!
9:14 PM
I'm at friends' place... I crashed at their place last night because it was too late and I was too drunk to go home ^_^ Jerwin's housewarming party was a blast... I had so much time and did too much dancing.... I showed them my secret breakdancing abilities ^_^ which I only do when I'm really really drunk.... Now I have a terrible hangover.... I should go home.
10:36 AM
tuesday, may 8, 2001
I'm beginning to love Hikaru Utada! I used to not like here only because she's too pop... but I'm really liking some of her songs.... my friend is a big fan of hers and he made me an MD of his favourite Hikki songs....
Yay! I have just been invited to Jerwin & Jeff's housewarming party this coming Saturday! ^_^
11:58 PM
sunday, may 6, 2001
I had a big breakfast this morning - spaghetti, coffee and ice cream! I was starving when I woke up. I slept so early last night which is not normal for me... Saturdays I usually stay up very late... I didn't go out last night. I didn't intend to sleep early but I fell asleep as I was listening to music... and then I had a weird dream that involved a friend. In the dream, he was complaining about his partner who was addicted to sex. He should be very thankful! ^_^
9:15 AM
saturday, may 5, 2001
Welcome back, me! I didn't blog for more than a week! I was too busy with having fun in my vacation last week and then work this week... also laziness working on my computer I guess... and, busy playing with my Sony MD Walkman and new Sony Microsystem! They're awesome! This is all I can say for now... Gotta go eat!
10:51 PM
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