
Sunday, March 16, 2008

 Very interesting diet program -> The Shangri-La Diet

No wonder I lost weight in Japan... Food here in Japan is less flavourful...
1:01 PM

Sunday, March 09, 2008

 It's cloudy over here in my little town in Japan. I'm suppose to buy a gift for a friend today but I have been very lazy to go out. Although I should really be thankful that that it's a lot warmer here compared to Canada around this time of the year.

I haven't really been doing anything exciting lately. I've been staying home a lot these days - watching DVDs, tinkering with my iBook, smoking a pack of cigarettes >< and drinking about 3-4 cups of coffee a day, and e-mailing friends with my cellphone.

I have been dating lately but it's a long distance relationship. We get to see each other once a month... that's it. I would like it to be more often actually but I can't really do anything about it. It's part of living in the countryside. There's not much options available actually.

I rented three movies on Friday - "The Invasion", "Fantastic Four 2" and a Japanese movie whose title I can't really read... LOL... I watched "The Invasion" last night... It wasn't too bad... It kind of scared me thinking that some day some sort of virus similar to that of the movie would invade us humans... ><

I have updated my site page a bit... I removed the useless links... To tell you the truth I don't even know why I still have this site up... I don't really update it that much anymore. I guess I just like to keep it just for reminiscing from time to time... hehe. Oh well...

OK I'm bored now... Time to go.
11:02 AM

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A note on copyright:

All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.

However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.


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