
Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well, it's been a long time! I have been very busy lately... busy doing nothing... I don't know... I have lots of free time but I'm just too exhausted to do anything after work. I actually took a day off work today because I haven't been feeling very well since yesterday afternoon. I've got stomach, head and backache which are all symptoms of flu for me... I didn't get the flu, thank God, but I had a fever last night and that made me think I got one. But I still went to the hospital here in my little town and the doctor gave me four different kinds of medication... I was shocked! Two of these medications really make me so drowsy. I slept for 12 hours last night and then slept again this afternoon. I really want to go to work tomorrow... There's just too much hassle taking a day off. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Well, what have I been doing in the last few weeks? Two weeks ago, I went to Osaka to hang out with my friends. We walked around "Amemura" (Amerika Mura or American Town) and I bought 3 piercings. My old piercings were very old and tarnished and so I bought new ones. The ones for my ear lobes are little skulls... They don't match my personality but that's OK. They make me look tougher... hehe. I then saw a Mori Chack store and bought a gloomy bear strap... as you can see, Gloomy Bear is giving somebody a real strong kick here... blood splashing all over the poor man's pants... LOL...

While we were there, my friend took a photo of me and a gigantic Gloomy Bear. hehe.

We then went for dinner at Umeda that night and had lots to drink. We then went to karaoke and stayed there from midnight to 5:30! They call it "karaoke marathon" here... It was fun. That was the longest karaoke I've ever had.

I went to stay at my friend's house in Kobe for the night. In the afternoon, two of my friends gave me a small tour of Kobe. We visited Kobe's Chinatown. It's way smaller than the ones in Toronto and Montreal but it was a fun experience. It was first time for me to see a bunch of Chinese people speaking in Japanese. I've seen many Chinese speaking English in Chinatown back home but never in Japanese. It was very interesting.

I also bought a lot of CDs within a week!

(R.E.M. Singles Collected)

(Kobukuro... Sakura Spring Package single / コブクロ 桜 Spring Package)

(WaT... 5センチ)

(スピッツ スーベニア)

(ラムジ 1ラムジ)

(ラムジ 2ラムジ)

I bought six in total - R.E.M. "Singles Collected", latest Spitz album (this is my new favourite Japanese band), latest WaT single (a Japanese pop duo, very good looking dudes and so very popular among girls here now), Kobukuro's Sakura single (I love this song... This song makes me cry), and two Lambsey (ラムジ) singles... I'm crazy about this Lambsey guy... I love his songs and the guitar tunes... I find him and his voice very cute all together.

(Yuki Yamashita of Lambsey... Taken from his official website)

Last weekend, it was "Our Japanese Mom's" birthday and so we gave her a small birthday party. H-san has been helping us English teachers here in my small town. She always looks after us and that's why we treat her like a real Mom.

Well, that is all for now. I better go to bed. My medication has made me so drowsy I can hardly type.... zzzzzz.
10:34 PM

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A note on copyright:

All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.

However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.


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