
Saturday, February 19, 2005

i'm so ridiculously desperate. it's unbelievable. Out of desperation I got to meet my ex's friend's friend. What a small world we live in! I never met talked to him in person though. I always have this crazy thoughts that nobody is really interested in me. What the hell is wrong with me?

I must focus on school work!
11:44 AM

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I sucked at my JET interview < ___ > I'm a bit disappointed right now. Well, there was only one question I could not answer because I friggin' forgot his name. I was soo nervous I could not remember his name and he was so popular! They asked me which Canadian influenced me the most and I wanted to say Pierre Trudeau because he promoted multiculturalism and bilingualism in Canada. The Japanese lady finally mentioned his name. It was so embarrassing. There were also other crazy questions. That same lady asked me to enumerate the differences between US and Canada, and the different provinces and territories with their respective capitals! Can you believe it? I was able to answer them all though. Hmmm.. I still think I sucked but I won't let this be an obstacle on my future endeavours. There are other alternatives other than JET. Hmmm... maybe I'm just being too pessimistic.
2:56 AM

Saturday, February 12, 2005

My heart could not resist it!!! I finally bought my first iPod!!! It's an iPod Shuffle! It's amazing how small and hip this iPod is! I was so lucky to get the last one from our campus computerstore! I heard there's not enough of this cool gadget on stock right now in Canada!

8:13 AM

Friday, February 11, 2005

I received this stupid spam mail a few days ago... Well, obviously it was sent to the wrong guy!... haha...

2:11 PM

今ちょっとうれしい!今週の試験を書いて終わったから!今週はとても忙しかった! Actually, it doesn't end there. I still have more things to do. 4年生の日本語の授業のため、10ページのレポートを書かなきゃ!それはすごい難しい。トピックは「日本の神々」。ばんばりま〜す!

I have a huge crush on this one working at the coffeeshop close to my apartment. We got introduced. Y is the name. I have been buying my coffee for a while but I was too shy to start a conversation with Y. I think sia yagu kesi aku na tomodati nan tomodati that the owner of that store only hires sa bahi ka yagu... I heard this guy is a very jealous guy. His wife works in that shop too. Finally, 今晩彼に英語で「Are you Japanese?」って聞いた。Then we started talking in Japanese. ぼくが少し日本語しゃべれるから、彼はびっくりした。

I'm off school all week next week (we call it Reading Week) but I will be extremely busy because of midterms coming up the week after and that report I was talking about. There's no end!

I was very close buying iPod Shuffle today... I was really seriously considering it でも今はお金がない。。。。 I shall wait!
10:56 AM

Sunday, February 06, 2005

so I went to the salon and had my hair cut really short. vvvvv

i did not get my hair dyed dark because my hairstylist C was kind of hinting not to. she was very sorry to cut my long, wavy hair though. she and her other colleague really like my long hair. oh well... C is so nice. She has a cat named Rocky.
10:54 AM

I am so confused! I will get a haircut today. I will have my hair really short. I am also thinking of dyeing it back to my natural colour - very dark brown. I need to have a decent hairstyle for my JET interview next week. Argh!

I think I need it for a change.
3:20 AM

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A note on copyright:

All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.

However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.


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