Tuesday, August 31, 2004
last night was like a dream....
1:18 PM
Sunday, August 29, 2004
I'm giving up...
9:48 AM
Friday, August 27, 2004
I am so stupid. I shouldn't have told him my feelings towards him.
2:44 PM
Sinonamana ki kirarakida! Gari aku sa bago na taho... kakainisi tagara! >___< argh! Ayoko na sa mina taga-Rupa ti Araho! >___< ... taho-hito na nalan na masa hito... ayoko tagara na kirara so kita baba-bata na taho, laru na taho-hito na taga-Rupa ti Araho at Hong Kong....
Noni, gabi-lipata, onakirara ti hito na taga-Rupa ti Gitona, ki ganya-ganya ki katahona, payato na ai-ai si aku tagara... noni, ondi s'aku isopa ki ai-ai naya s'aku....
Noni, lito-lito aku ki dua kin taho na hito, sia na shino ai-ai aku..... :-(
Ai-ai aku tagara si taha-bata ki baka...........
Nayo, kingi-kingi aku sa radio na purugorama na taho-hito, ai-ai aku tagara sa mina sempu na kasempuhan nida...
Tokitoki, ai aku na ondi kita mina taho, ai aku ran sa bahi.
10:00 AM
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Last night was a special night... Let's see where it goes... ^___^
3:00 PM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
我現在傾聽 Baka 的聲音! waaaah!!!!! ^___^ it's amazing to hear a friend's voice on the air!!! i have not idea what they are talking about but it's just amazing! mandarin is such a beautiful language, it's like music to the ears!
9:09 AM
Monday, August 23, 2004
i made a stupid mistake because of my over-sensitivity and i am so sorry <_____> ...
i learned something really nice from a friend today and that's to come out in the hope of not meeting potentials... just simply have fun! thank you!
i also made a promise to myself not to be super sensitive anymore. it's stupid.
3:21 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I'm not sure if I should take back what I said earlier. Why the sudden silence? Where's the quick amical responses? Why the coldness? Where's the warmth? Why can't I be told what was wrong? I really do not need this right now. There are more opportunities out there. I do not need to pursue. I do not want to waste time. I am not desperate. I am moving on.
3:56 PM
lately, i've been being a bitch and a drama queen... over-sensitive, easily provoked, unpredictable, moody, suspecting... you name it. i don't know why.
7:07 AM
i just got a new chemistry cd. i didn't know you can buy original cd's in canada. you can only buy them in some chinese malls though.

6:59 AM
i went walking around at the Pacific Mall, one of the largest Chinese malls in Toronto, with a newly found friend. しゃ cute あと小あいくしゃ
... then i went to じゃぐな asian party な なん the scentedboys. i had fun... i saw lots of old friends and new...
... and now, i'm here working. >___<
1:31 AM
Thursday, August 19, 2004
I watched M.Night Shyamalan's "The Village". It was amazing! The ending was unexpected!

1:32 PM
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Listen to the new site theme song... "Yuki no hana", "Gorgeousness (sorry, I know this word does not exist in English!) of snow" by Mika Nakashima. It's appropriate for the site title (snowdusk) as it talks about the beauty of snow. I love this song.

11:26 AM
I'm on a trial period with .Mac and I chose "hiyake1" as my user ID. It means "sunburn" in Japanese. I tried to search on the net to see whether I have rivals and I found one in Japan... and quite a disturbing one:

9:52 AM
Monday, August 16, 2004
i'm love struck!!! ^_____^ i feel like i'm a teenager again!
1:11 PM
Friday, August 13, 2004
It's the end of MSN messenger for me. As a matter of fact, I got rid of it from my Mac OS X dock....
12:00 PM
Thursday, August 12, 2004
I have just deleted people who are in my MSN Messenger buddy list who were just simply ignoring me. I do not need that. They don't deserve me! >___<
I'm such a bitch, eh?
9:46 PM
i'm a bitch... and a big drama queen.
10:46 AM
I finally received a reply from my ex. I felt both happy and sad feelings, happy because I haven't talked to him for such a long time, and sad because I do miss him a lot. I don't think I will get the same love he has given me from any other person.
I want to turn back the clock...
6:46 AM
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
i think sometimes i just don't get it. i try so hard to be friends with people sometimes but i realized i have a few friends who really care for me and so i really don't need anybody more. I especially hate ones who are only friends with me because they want to use me.
7:18 AM
i begin to wonder what is wrong with me. i should only stick to friends around my age.
6:40 AM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
My friend M left for Japan today and I saw her off at the airport. I was not very sad at all because I know that I will see her again next year at the latest. I'm hoping to go to Japan next year and stay there for about a year. After the airport, I went to my parents' house in the suburbs and gave my brother a Nemo stuffed toy. It's really cute. I bought one for myself too ^_^ . We also watched "Finding Nemo" on DVD. My brother then drove me to an aquarium supply store in a Chinese plaza near their house and bought a cory and a dwarf gourami, then I went back home to my apartment downtown.
11:59 AM
Sunday, August 08, 2004
i had a blast today. my friends and i organized a bye-bye get-together for my friend M who will be leaving for japan on monday. we had some thai and chinese take-outs, some drinks and we all had to wear 'jimbei' and 'yukata' M brought from japan for us. they are traditional japanese summer attire for men and for women, respectively. O is amazing... he's a guy yet he looks great and very convincing on a 'yukata'!

4:41 PM
Monday, August 02, 2004
I just got back from Montreal... The bus trip was much shorter, only six and a half hours long. I really had fun in Montreal, thanks to my two newly found friends.
4:56 PM
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Yay! I'm blogging from Montreal!! I left Toronto yesterday and went through almost 10 hours of travel time because of awful traffic on the highway. It's suppose to take only 8 hours by bus. I'm going sightseeing today and then clubbing later on tonight. I've been hanging out with a friend of mine here who's been very nice enough to keep me company and let me crash over his place... It is also Pride Weekend in Montreal so lots of out-of-towners in the city this weekend.
3:57 AM
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