friday, march 30, 2001
Oh... I forgot to officially welcome you to my new server... well, this is where the bluelotus project started, so I just went back to it. I got fed up with Digitalrice's frequent server downtimes, upgrades, etc. etc.... So Digitalrice is history. I really liked Digitalrice but I'm a very impatient guy.
I just had a nice sushi dinner with a friend at this restaurant we go to a lot... hmmmm.... yummy.... and we've finally got to know this cute server... I was so impressed because she likes drum and bass and acid jazz... She knows Roni Size Reprazent! She studies photography. She asked us if we know somebody who can pose as a model. Damn, I should've volunteered! ^_^ how vain....
11:38 PM
tuesday, march 27, 2001
argh.... my server (digitalrice) has been down for almost two weeks now... and yet only one person remembered to e-mail me to ask what was up (thanks toshi, you're the best!).... the server is actually up but only busted here and there... you can still access my site but using a different URL (
life has been up and down for me... right now life's been down.... stress at work and at home, and somebody's been playing mindgames with my already troubled mind... that's why it's not a good idea to reveal "all" your secrets to somebody even if you really trust the person... i'm too nice to people... and that's not good too... some people tend to abuse that kindness.... yet I'm still blind to reality... or try to at least ignore it. It hurts when you realize the truth.
11:12 PM
monday, march 19, 2001
wow... i haven't blogged for 6 days! did you miss me? hmmm... here, i give you eyecandy:

anyway... lots of things happened i don't know where to start... i felt sick today -- stress, worries, lack of sleep thanks to my good friend mr. insomnia, bad appetite, caffeine-overload, sushi-overload, no sex, * sigh * ....
... i hate complaining... i hate people who complain too much... i should stop...breathe in, breathe out, smile.... ^_^
10:19 PM
tuesday, march 13, 2001
I bumped into this nice Chinese girl whose car I hit about two years ago this afternoon... She just started working at the same place.. She didn't remember my face but as soon as I approached her and introduce myself she remembered. I guess she was very surprised because I remember her name and her girlfriend's who was also at the scene, and because we are now working for the same company! What a small world, eh? She is so nice... She was very nice to me even after the accident. I'm hoping to have lunch with her one day....
8:30 PM
sunday, march 11, 2001
I had a very interesting Saturday. I went to this cultural/language exchange group meetings with Japanese native speakers staying in Canada to learn English to practise my Japanese and in return they would practise their English with me. It was fun! There was a lot of Japanese and not enough native English speakers! Where were they hiding all this time I wondered! hehe... My partner Youko was so cool! It was so funny, Youko and the other girl thought I was Japanese and that I was trying to hide it... they were so amazed at my almost-native pronunciation and the phrases and sentence construction I already know. I think I've convinced them that I'm not Japanese. I can be the master-of-disguise, eh? Then after that I went to dinner with my friends, went for a bubble-tea and then went clubbing. I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and stomach cramps. Argh!
6:55 PM
saturday, march 10, 2001
good morning!
9:22 AM
friday, march 9, 2001
it's so early! i didn't get enough sleep last night... i think i was awake the whole time.. i must have had only 3 or 4 hours sleep... i woke up at 3:15 because i had a nightmare... and then i think i was awake since then... got up from bed 4:45 and left the house for work at 5:55.
interesting things happened yesterday.... i decided to drop my course... i was so relieved... i was in the bus going to class, thinking the whole time whether or not I should go on... and then bing! dropped the course. i went to dinner with a friend instead who happened to be downtown too. he took me to this nice japanese restaurant. the food was so good! he's one of the coolest guys I know!
6:44 AM
tuesday, march 6, 2001
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy
Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes
Où sont tes idoles mal rasées, bien habillées
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy
Dans leurs yeux des dollars
Dans leurs sourires des diamants
Moi aussi un jour je serai beau comme un dieu
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy
Apollon 2000 zéro défaut vingt et un an
C'est l'homme idéal charme au masculin
Sexy Boy Sexy Boy.
lyrics by AIR
11:35 PM
monday, march 5, 2001
i wasn't my usual self the whole day today. the bad snowy weather made it even worse. i'm so lucky to have friends who care and who are always there when you need them.

11:42 PM
saturday, march 3, 2001
god, i've slept most of the day... i'm sleepy
11:10 PM
this is so cute! [link courtesy of dannybunny]
9:08 PM
I can't believe i was already in bed by 11 PM last night... i was kinda down again last night... hmmm... I hate to talk about my love dilemma here on this blog so I will stop.
I had a sushi dinner with a friend at work last night after work... we ordered our usual favourites of course... I wanted to order more stuff but I had to control my diet and I had to go to a family dinner after anyway so.... it was funny we were trying to find ways to strike up a conversation with the pretty waitress.. I was thinking of us talking to her in Japanese but we decided that was too cheesy.... I decided to act natural so all I said was, "err.. what time are you open 'til today?" I think that's a good way to break the ice, eh? She is so cute especially the smile...
I flunked my mid-term test big time.... I don't know if I should go on... it was so weird... during the test I felt this terrible numbness on my head and neck and I think I lost my hearing for about five seconds... I think I was so stressed out... I haven't taken a test in years! Before the test I had Chinese and they gave me a huge serving... I only ate half of it.. I got so embarrassed when the waiter came up to me and told me, loudly, that I have so much leftover. It was huge man and very cheap --- $7.50.... It was a joke though -- the waiter was wearing a white t-shirt tucked in his gray sweat pants....
10:22 AM
thursday, march 1, 2001
so funny... somebody actually e-mailed me asking me how to get the actual blue lotus tubers.. hehe... ^_^ the site name can be quite misleading, eh?
i'm on vacation today, just for one day... i'm suppose to write my mid-term test tonight so i took a day off... but i'm thinking of not taking it because there's a big chance i'd drop the course... i don't really need the course... i don't know why i'm taking it... it's so stupid to waste my time for it... but i want to learn it for sure but i find i need to devote more time on it in order to succeed in the course and unfortunately i don't really have that time and energy.... well, i'll take the test anyway and see what happens.
11:20 AM
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