

Formatting Archives -- Finished!

2022-12-16 03:35:00 +0000
#personal #siteUpdates

I finally finished formatting my archived posts from 2000 to January 2010! Those posts were a mess because stupid me, I simply copied and pasted the posts from my old Blogger site to my then new SDF homepage. LOL.

I can't really do anything about my Wordpress site (February 2010 to May 2016). I mean I can but it would be a painful job to migrate those posts to proper Jekyll posts. I think I will just keep them as is.

I had a really tumultuous week. Full of emotions, anger, drama, you name it... They were all there. Family relationship drama. Things got resolved yesterday. I really thought that was it -- everything was going to go down and there was no coming back up. I'm glad it was not the case.

I am still very sad that my youngest brother is moving to Montréal. I feel really close to him and so I will miss him so much. His girlfriend will move first to Montréal this Saturday, then my brother will follow on Jan. 6th.

I hate Christmas but it's just one of those things I have to go through every damn year. It used to be my favourite time of the year until about 2010. I don't really want to explain why I hate it.


A note on copyright:

All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.

However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.


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powered by the SDF Public Access UNIX System
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Titillium Web fonts by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino

background image is a screenshot taken from the music video "Mi Teletipo" by Oviformia SCI

codes for website HTML javascript clock obtained from

jekyll tagging codes and credits: Long Qian

super-search script by Kushagra Gour (chinchang)