Wasabi Night - Jpop+Jrock+Enka
title artist
Tokyo no Bus Girl 東京のバスガール / Shodai Columbia Rose 初代コロムビア・ローズ
Banana Boat バナナ・ボート/Hamamura Michiko 浜村美智子
Aikagi 合鍵 / CHEMISTRY
Twist Barbie / Shonen Knife
Haunted Beach Party (Live) / thee 50's high teens
Blondie (Live) / thee 50's high teens
Gakushu 学習 / otori
Hanten 反転 / otori
Married To A Frenchman / POLYSICS
Himitsu no senritsu ひみつの旋律 / RED MARTIAN*
Kame no ko tawashi no tēma (Shōnen Knife Mix) 亀の子束子のテーマ(少年ナイフ MIX) / Shonen Knife
Dāisukkyanen tsūtenkaku だ~い好っきゃねん通天閣 / Etsuyo Yoshino 吉野悦世
All of the tracks included in my live mixes are not my work, unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any monetary compensation for doing my live shows. My activities on aNONradio.net and Tilderadio are/were/have always been strictly a personal hobby. aNONradio.net and Tilderadio are both for-hobby, not-for-profit, non-commercial and fully volunteer-member-run and funded Internet radio services. If your track/piece of work gets included in my mixes then it means that I love and admire you and your work and I am in effect promoting you and your work to my listeners for free.
However, if you are an artist and are still not satisfied with my explanation in the above paragraph, please contact me.